Convert online and free EPUB to PDF

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Converting in only three steps

  1. Upload file
  2. Choose target filetype
  3. Download file!
convert .epub to .pdf
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Enhance your eBooks with epub to pdf Conversion

Whether you’re in the book publishing industry or simply need a better way to read digital books, the process of converting from epub to PDF just got simpler. File-converter-online.com converts your files in three steps without registration.

ePub files are quick and easy to produce, so they’re often preferred by publishers who are working on a budget. They aren’t the highest quality documents for an eBook, and support is far from universal. Converting your ePubs to PDF is a simple way to improve formatting consistency on Apple, Kobo, Google, and Kindle. PDFs are also easily shareable via email.

PDF stands for “Portable Document Format” which points to the fact that it works independently of most operating systems. It’s the most used digital format in the world because of its universality. It also comes with some significant advantages for the digital publishing industry. Acrobat’s PDF tool lets you edit page text and images, which gives you considerable fine-tuning power.

Unlike ePubs, which have more in common with web pages, PDFs are a fixed format. They’re an excellent file extension if you want to print pages exactly as they’re displayed on your monitor. PDFs don’t orient pages according to the size of the screen, but their lack of responsiveness is easy to overcome with the help of a basic viewer. PDFs are ideal for sharing across all commercial book retailers.

If multiple ePub documents need to be included in a single PDF, drag and drop your pages from the sidebar. A new PDF editor has been added so that you can format your PDF online without downloading any software. Use the arrows to change the orientation of your pages if they’re displaying the wrong way around.

To convert your ePub, simply click the “Choose File” button on file-converter-com’s home page. Choose the file you want to convert, and click the ‘download’ button. It doesn’t get simpler than that.

9.6/10(2066 votes)

Guide: Convert EPUB to PDF online

How to convert EPUB files online to PDF
  1. Choose input EPUB file
  2. Check target filetype and change if required (PDF)
  3. Hit the "Start Converting!" Button
  4. That's it! Your download will start automatically on the following page

Currently we support the following conversions with EPUB files:

All Converters

Information about the extensions for the conversion from EPUB to PDF

From: EPUB

The epub (short for electronic publication) file extension signifies an e-book file that has been saved according to the EPUB standard. EPUB is a non-proprietary, vendor-independent e-book format that is based on HTML and is supported by a large numb …

File extension: .epub
More information and converters for EPUB


Created by Adobe software including Acrobat, Capture, Design or other open-source printing shareware, Portable Document Format (PDF) files simplify portability. Designed to include all the captured printed elements of their source, PDF-files can be v …

File extension: .pdf
More information and converters for PDF

Video-Tutorial: EPUB to PDF

File-Converter-Online.com is a service for converting files online from one type to another. We take care of your privacy and take care of your files. As a part of this, there's no registration required on file-converter-online.com. As we're offering our service in a browser, it does'nt matter whether you use Windows, Apple OS X or Linux. Your conversion results will always be at the same, very high quality and of course, without watermarks.


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  4. Akhib
    23. January 2023


  5. Carola
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  6. alegra
    6. August 2022

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  7. Khalid Chaurasiya
    27. April 2022

    Spent hours looking for a website to convert my large epub file to pdf, nothing worked. This one finally did it for me. Very simple and helpful.

  8. Liv
    20. April 2022

    Tried several other converting sites and none were able to convert my large epub file….until I came here. Thank you so much.

  9. Ahmed
    7. October 2021

    It is nice

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